To attract more attention from buyers, we encourage you to upload images and a video for each listed diamond.
Diamond Image Guidelines
You can upload 5 images per diamond.
Image Formats: PNG or JPG, GIF.
Image Size: Maximum 10 MB, including zip files.
Minimum Resolution: We recommend all images to be square, with a minimum resolution of 1280 x1280.
Image Filenames should be saved as one word and in Latin/Roman alphabet letters, otherwise, they will not upload to RapNet.
Image Links: We accept image links starting in HTTPS and ending in JPG or PNG. These images or links display images on the diamond item page.
External Image Links: Diamonds uploaded with external image URLs:
Do not display on diamond item pages and Instant Inventory.
Will display on the item page under a section called 'Media URLs. Clicking on a thumbnail will link the buyer to the external link in a new tab.
Diamond item page displaying diamond image uploaded in jpg or png format.
Diamond item page displaying image linked to an external website.
Diamond Video Guidelines
We only accept secure links formatted with "HTTPS". Links beginning with "HTTP" are not secure and will not display on the item page. Even for Vision360 videos, please ensure the link starts with HTTPS://
Whitelisted Video Providers: Only RapNet's whitelisted diamond videos are displayed on diamond item pages and Instant Inventory.
They appear as a video thumbnail in the item page’s media section.
Click here for a list of RapNet-approved diamond video providers
Diamond Videos that are not on our list of whitelisted diamond video providers:
Do not display on diamond item pages or Instant Inventory.
Will display on the item page under a section called 'Media URL.
Clicking on a thumbnail will link the buyer to the external link in a new tab
Click here for a complete list of whitelisted diamond video providers on RapNet.
Diamond item page displaying a RapLab video.
Diamond item page displaying a video from a whitelisted provider.
Diamond item page displaying a video from a non-whitelisted diamond video provider.
RapNet-Approved Diamond Video Providers
We display the video diamond search results and item pages from most providers, including:
Sarine v360
MP4: Any video link with an MP4 suffix
Any links with fr.360view in the URL
If you are hosting your videos and would like them displayed on RapNet, please contact and we will include your video URL in our accepted list.