Upload your diamonds with an unlimited amount of diamond images plus five video links and use RapNet’s Diamond Media Library to easily upload your images!
Your images will be displayed on diamond item pages and Instant Inventory, which raises the chances of your diamonds being shared on social media and showcased on retailer's jewelry websites.
Benefits of Uploading Diamonds with Media
Listing diamonds with media on your diamond item page attracts more buyers thus helping you sell faster and sell more!
Diamonds with images and videos are more likely to get attention from retailers, which leads to more sales
Members are more likely to share your diamonds on social media, bringing you more buyers
Instant Inventory participating retailers are more likely to showcase your diamonds in their online stores, so your diamonds reach more customers worldwide.
Click here to give permission and allow instant inventory users to display their inventory on their websites.
RapNet Diamond Media Library Features
In the Media Library, you can:
Upload and view diamond image files
Search and view jewelry media files
Check media status (Connected/Not connected media) and connect and disconnect images to jewelry
Delete images from RapNet
Check the last date uploaded
The Diamond Media Library can be viewed as a list of media or as a gallery (thumbnails).
Read this article to learn how to perform all these actions.
Diamond Image and Video Support through RapLab
If you need high-quality diamond images or videos, RapLab offers premium services to help you showcase your diamonds online.
HD Images & Videos: RapLab provides crystal-clear, high-definition images and 360° videos, enhancing the online buying experience.
Submit Your Diamonds: Visit RapLab’s Video Service for a sample 360° view and details on how to submit your diamonds for professional imaging.
For more information, contact us at help@diamonds.net.