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Manage your Diamond Media Library

View your media, connect or disconnect images and delete diamond images

Philippa Corrick avatar
Written by Philippa Corrick
Updated over a week ago

You upload and manage all your diamond images in the Diamond Media Library.
You can filter connected/disconnected images and connect, disconnect, or delete the images.


Clicking these buttons lets you switch between the gallery and list view.

View your Connected or Disconnected Diamond Images

  • Filter: Click Show only: Connected Media or Show only: Not Connected Media to find images faster.

Connect Image/s to a Diamond

  1. Filter: type media by name or click Show only: Not Connected Media > Select image file(s).

  2. Click and zoom in to the image > Connect to the item.

  3. Pop up > Type in the Lot# or Stock# of the item you want to connect to >

    Load Item > diamond title appears.

  4. Click Connect Media > File successfully connects, and the image is now connected to the diamond.

Connect in List View

  1. Filter > click Show only: Not Connected Media.

  2. Select the image file(s).

  3. Go to Actions > Connect to item.

  4. Pop up > type in the Lot# or Stock# of the item you want to connect to > Load Item > diamond title appears.

  5. Click Connect Media > File successfully connects, and the image is now connected to the diamond.

Disconnect an Image/s from a Diamond

  1. Filter: Type in the filename or click Show only: Connected Media

  2. Select the connected media file > View the selected image on the sidebar

  3. Click Disconnect from item.

  4. Pop-up confirms you want to disconnect the media from the item > Click Yes

Disconnect in the List View

  1. Filter: Type in the filename or click Show only: Connected Media

  2. Select the connected media file(s). > Go to Actions

  3. Click Disconnect from item.

  4. Pop-up confirms you want to disconnect the media from the item > Click Yes

Disconnect via the item page

  1. Manage my Diamonds > Filter to find the diamond

  2. Open the diamond’s item page > click on Manage Media.

  3. Click on the garbage bin of the image you want to disconnect > pop-up confirms you want to disconnect the media from the item.

Delete Diamond Images from the Media Library

Delete gallery view

  1. Filter: Type in the filename or click Show only: Connected/Not connected Media

  2. Select the media file you want to delete > view the selected image on the sidebar

  3. Click Delete > Pop-up confirms you want to delete the media from the item

  4. Click Yes

Delete in list view

  1. Filter: Type in the filename or click Show only: Connected/Not connected Media

  2. Select the media file(s) you want to delete > Actions

  3. Choose Delete > pop-up confirms you want to delete the media from the item

  4. Click Yes

Delete via the Item Page

  1. Click on Manage Media > click on the garbage bin of the image you want to disconnect > pop up confirms you want to disconnect the media from the item.

  2. Tick Delete this media also from my media library.

  3. Confirm Yes.

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