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RapNet's Jewelry Media Library
RapNet's Jewelry Media Library

RapNet's Jewelry Media Library features & navigation. Filter, connect or disconnect images and delete jewelry images

Philippa Corrick avatar
Written by Philippa Corrick
Updated over a week ago

Upload and manage your jewelry images from RapNet’s Jewelry Media Library.

You can upload a maximum of 5 images per jewelry item.

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RapNet Jewelry Media Library features:

In the Media Library you can:

  • Upload images

  • Search and view jewelry media files

  • Check media status (Connected/Not connected media) and connect and disconnect images to jewelry

  • Delete images from RapNet

  • Check last date uploaded

The Jewelry Media Library can be viewed as a list of media or as gallery (thumbnails).

Navigate the Jewelry Media Library

Watch this video or continue reading below:

  1. Show Connected or Not Connected Media

  2. Switch from Gallery or List view

  3. Sort and Action buttons: Connect/Disconnect/ Delete media

  4. Upload new media

  5. Zoom in to enlarge your view of the jewelry image

  6. View last upload date

  7. View image information: connected/disconnected/delete/connect to an item

Connect an image/images to a jewelry item

Connect in Gallery View

  1. Go to Manage My Jewelry > Media Library

  2. Click Show only: Not Connected Media

  3. Select image file(s).

  4. Connect single image: Click and zoom in to the image > Connect to Lot.

  5. Connect multiple images: Actions > Connect Selected to Lot

  6. Pop up > type in the Lot# or Stock# of the item you want to connect to.

  7. Load Item > jewelry title appears.

  8. Click Connect Media > File successfully connects, and image is now connected to the jewelry.

    Gallery View

    List View

Disconnect images from jewelry

Disconnect in Gallery View

  1. Go to Manage My Jewelry > Media Library

  2. Click Show only: Connected Media

  3. Select the connected media file(s).

  4. Disconnect single image: Click and zoom in to the image > Disconnect to lot.

  5. Disconnect multiple images: Actions > Disconnect Selected to Lot

  6. Pop up confirms you want to disconnect the media from the item> Click Yes

Gallery View

List View

Delete jewelry images

  1. Go to Manage My Jewelry > Media Library

  2. Select the media file(s)

  3. Delete single media file

  4. Delete multiple media files

Gallery View Delete

List View Delete

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