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List diamond parcels on RapNet

Uploading diamond parcels one by one or from an inventory file

Philippa Corrick avatar
Written by Philippa Corrick
Updated over a week ago

You can either upload parcels one by one or upload multiple parcel lots via XL or CSV file.

Please note:

  • The minimum accepted value for parcels is 3. A parcel of 2 diamonds is a matched pair and not considered a parcel.

  • Parcels are only for white diamonds, there are no fancy colored parcels of diamonds on RapNet.

Single Parcel Upload:

  1. Size: Enter the total carat weight of the parcel (up to 2 decimal places)

  2. Parcel Stones: Enter the number of diamonds in the parcel 

Multiple Parcel Upload:

  1. Open up your inventory stock file

  2. Fill in these fields in your upload file:

    1. Size/Carat/Weight: Enter the total carat weight of the parcel (up to 2 decimal places) in the 'Weight' column

    2. Parcel Stones: Enter the number of diamonds in the parcel under the column header 'Parcel Stones'.

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