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More Diamond Search Result Features

Customize view, track and compare diamonds, contact seller, markup RapNet prices, print or export diamonds to XL or CSV

Philippa Corrick avatar
Written by Philippa Corrick
Updated this week

Customize your RapNet Search Results Table View

Choose from Standard or Compact Table View, or view with a larger font

Click on the More button and select Table View.

Customize your diamond search results image

Choose your table view

Choose your diamonds table view in RapNet image
  • Compact: Fits more data on a page

  • Default: Standard size view

  • Large Fonts: Displays the data in large text. You will view less data per page

Track Diamonds

Track diamonds get saved to your 'Tracked Diamonds' folder and stay there as long as the diamonds remain on RapNet.

Track Diamonds

  1. Track Single: Click on the diamond row to expand > tap the Heart icon > A green pop-up confirms that you are ‘Now tracking this diamond’.

  2. Track Multiple: Select diamonds you want to track > More > Track Selected/Heart

Your Tracked Diamonds Folder

Accessing the Tracked Diamonds tab in RapNet image
  1. Actions

    1. Edit to change the name of the tracked diamonds group.

    2. Delete this group of tracked diamonds

  2. View tracked diamonds on the search results page

Contact the RapNet Supplier

Gallery view: Hover over the image to contact the seller directly.

Contact the diamond seller option in the product gallery image

Table View: Click on the diamond to expand full diamond details > Contact Seller

Contact the diamond seller option expanded image

Related Article:

Markup diamond prices to show your customers

You can add a price markup that can be applied when showing RapNet-listed diamonds to a customer.

You can do this either using the Access Code on the Diamond search engine or via Price Markups Settings in your Settings and Preferences.

Alternatively, you can markup diamond prices when emailing or printing out a list of diamonds for your customer.

Using this feature means that prices on RapNet diamond search results will be marked up according to your setting, and the seller's name will be hidden on the search results screen.

Mark up using the Access Code

You can find the Access Code filter on the Diamond search engine.

Single Markup

  1. Go to the diamond search > type in your search parameters > scroll down to > Access Code

    Diamond markup access code in RapNet image
  2. Type in a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 digits to add a markup to the diamond's price in the diamond result list.

    1. The first 3 digits contain the markup and the rest of the code can be any random numbers.

    2. Only the first 3 digits are used when calculating the markup.

      1. example: To add a markup of 20%, enter 120 into this field. You can also type in 120569 - this will also work since the first 3 digits are the actual markup.

Create Multiple Markup Rules

You can also create up to 5 markup rules that can be applied when showing diamonds to customers.

Your markup can have a percentage and/or a fixed USD markup.

  1. Click here to watch a guidance video > once done, activate the markup and type the Price Markup Name into the Access Code field on the Diamond Search > Search

    Note: Only one access code can be activated at a time.

  2. Search results

    1. Filter tags at the top of the page display the text "RAC: Ver.22. + the access code name" that you used.

    2. The RapNet seller's name was replaced with the seller's RapNet account number.

    3. Diamond's price is marked up

    4. Seller details hidden

      Creating multiple diamond markup rules in RapNet image

Markup prices & email/print for your customer

  1. Diamond Search Results page > Select diamonds > More > Export/Print Selected

  2. Choose columns to show customer > add your Markup Percent

  3. Print diamonds/Save/Email/Export to Excel

Markup diamond prices for email or print image

Note: Use our Share Diamonds Feature to mark up and share diamonds and jewelry via social media. Read more here.

Related Articles:

Export Diamonds Search Results to XL or CSV

  1. Select your diamonds

    Export diamond search results to Excel or CSV image
  2. Choose your preferred layout and columns before exporting to CSV

    Diamond search results export preferences image

We send you a notification when your report is ready, which takes you to the Reports Center, where you can download your results to CSV

Navigating to Reports Center for diamond search results image


  1. The export function includes all diamond details except information about the seller and grading report (certificate) ID

  2. If your CSV diamond file exports in a strange format, please read this article for guidance on how to fix

Compare Diamonds

Create a diamond feature comparison table places to display diamond specifications side by side, clearly showing which diamonds meet your criteria and which ones do not.
Note: You must select a minimum of 2 diamonds.

  1. Add Single Diamond to Comparison Table:

    1. Choose one by one: Click on the diamond row to expand > More > Add to Compare

    2. Track Multiple: Select diamonds you want to track > More > Add to Compare

  2. Compare: Go to More -> Compare (4/10), or the number of diamonds you have compared.
    The RapNet diamond feature comparison table opens up in a new tab

    Image of the RapNet diamond feature comparison table
  3. View Compared Diamonds: Delete or Pin Diamonds, Contact Seller

    Compare diamonds table image

More Diamond Pricing Tools

Visit the RapNet Diamond Pricing Tools page to learn more ways to make diamond pricing easier for you and your customers.

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