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Using FTP to Upload Inventory & Images to RapNet (File Transfer Protocol)

How to transfer diamond or jewelry inventory and image files from your computer to RapNet Media Library using FTP

Philippa Corrick avatar
Written by Philippa Corrick
Updated over 2 months ago

FTP (File Transfer Protocol ) is a simple, secure, and reliable method designed to transfer large amounts of data or multiple files from one computer to another. It's also faster than other methods such as uploading data or media files via a website.

Using RapNet's FTP means that you can now upload your diamond and jewelry inventory and media, faster and more efficiently.

Recommendations: We recommend using either WinSCP or FileZilla. Note: Filezilla does not allow for automatic uploads, whereas WinSCP works well with automatic uploads.

Step 1 What You Need Before You Start (FTP)

  1. Inventory and/or Image Files

    1. Inventory: A CSV diamond, jewelry, or gemstone inventory file.

    2. Images: Accepted formats are JPG, PNG, or GIF. File names must be in English (one word only).

  2. FTP Client Software

    1. Download and install an FTP client:

    2. Recommended: WinSCP (supports automation) or FileZilla.

  3. FTP Login Details

    1. Log in to RapNet.

    2. Go to FTP Setup under your profile.

    3. Click Generate Password to create your FTP credentials> Copy the Password

Step 2: Setting Up your FTP Client

Install WinSCP

  1. Install and open WinSCP.

  2. Click New Site and enter the following information

    1. Host:

    1. Protocol: FTP (Explicit FTP over TLS)

    2. Username: Your RapNet account number.

    3. Password: Copy and paste the password generated in your FTP Setup

  3. Save the site as “RapNet” and click Connect.

  4. When prompted, trust the connection by checking “Always trust this host.”

Install FileZilla

  1. Install and open FileZilla.

  2. FTP Site: Left-hand side:

    1. Go to File > Site Manager > Click on the New Site button to add a new site

    2. Name your new site 'RapNet'

  3. FTP Connection: Righ-hand side: Click on General

    • Protocol: FTP- File Transfer Protocol

    • Host:

    • Encryption: Explicit FTP over TLS

    • Logon Type: Normal

    • Username & Password: Copy and paste the credentials listed in the FTP Setup

  4. Save and connect.

  5. Trust the connection when prompted.

Understanding the FTP Dashboard

The FTP dashboard allows you to transfer files between your computer and your RapNet Media Library using an easy drag-and-drop process.

Overview of the FileZilla Dashboard

The screen is divided into panes:

  • Left Side (Local Site): Shows your computer’s files and folders.

  • Right Side (Remote Site): Shows your RapNet Media Library, where files will be uploaded.

  • Bottom Pane (Transfer Queue): Tracks file upload progress.

  • Top Pane (Connection Log): Displays connection status (success or error messages).

How to Use Each Section

  1. Local Site (Left Side): Navigate to the folder on your computer containing the files you want to upload (e.g., inventory, images, or reports).

  2. Remote Site (Right Side): Click your account number to see folders for:

    • Diamonds: Upload diamond listings or images.

    • Jewelry: Upload jewelry listings, images, or documents.

    • Gemstones: Upload gemstone listings, images, or reports.

  3. Transfer Files:

    • Drag and drop files from the left pane (Local Site) to the correct folder in the right pane (Remote Site).

    • Check the bottom pane to monitor the upload progress.

Step 3: Uploading Files using FTP

  1. Navigate to the correct folder on the Remote Site (right panel)

  2. Double-click on your account number and then on the diamond/jewelry/gemstone folder.

  3. Open the relevant folder

    • Diamonds/Jewelry/Gemstones > Images: For media files.

    • Diamonds/Jewelry/Gemstones > Lots: For inventory CSV files

    • Gemstones > Certifcates: For gemstone report files.

    • Jewelry > Documents: For jewelry documents

  4. Transfer Files:

    • Drag and drop files from the left pane (Local Site) to the correct folder in the right pane (Remote Site).

    • Check the bottom pane to monitor the upload progress.Browse/drag and drop your files from the Local Site (left panel) into the FTP files site.

  5. FTP status should display 'Successful'

Verify Your FTP Uploads

Log in to RapNet and check:

  1. Inventory Files: Under Diamond/Jewelry/Gemstone Upload History

  2. Media Files: In the Diamond/Jewelry/Gemstone Media Library

FTP Upload Options for CSV Inventory Files

  1. Replace All: Deletes all existing inventory and replaces it with the uploaded file.

    • File name: Avoid the word “update” (e.g., gemstone_stock.csv).

  2. Add & Update: Adds new inventory and updates existing data without deleting anything.

    • File name: Must include “update” (e.g., gemstone_stock_update.csv).

Important Information About Uploading Jewelry Lots via FTP

  1. No Header or Field Fixes via FTP: Column headers and field values cannot be corrected during FTP uploads.

  2. Incorrect Field Names: If a field name is incorrect, the entire jewelry file will fail to upload and will be moved to the FTP "error" folder (see screenshot below).

Upload jewelry files to RapNet first to map field names correctly for future FTP uploads.

Handling Missing or Invalid Values:

  • Valid jewelry items will upload successfully.

  • Items with missing or invalid values will be suppressed.

  • A jewelry error file will be provided, showing errors and corrections needed.

Find the jewelry error file in the FTP "error" folder

Need Help?

Adding New Files to an Existing Folder via FTP

Whether you're uploading new inventory files or media files (e.g., images), follow these steps to add them to an existing folder on the server:

  1. Navigate to the Existing Folder on the Remote Site:

    1. Go to the Remote Site.

    2. Select the folder where the new inventory or media files need to be added.

  2. Select the Folder on Your Local Site:

    1. In the Local Site view, browse and select the folder on your computer containing the new files (inventory or media) to upload.

  3. Upload the New Files

    1. Highlight all the files in your Local Site folder.

    2. Right-click and choose Upload to transfer them to the existing folder on the Remote Site.

  4. If Some Files Already Exist in the Folder: If prompted about duplicate files during upload:

    1. Select Actions > Overwrite to replace the files with updated versions.

    2. Check Always use this action to simplify future uploads.

    3. Check Apply only to uploads to ensure only the newly uploaded files are affected.


To save bandwidth and not overwrite images, go to the Transfer tab in the Menu bar.

  1. Select Default File Exist Action

  2. Uploads: Choose Overwrite File If Size Differs from the drop-down menu > OK.

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