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Pricing Issues When Uploading Diamonds

Understand why diamonds aren't showing the correct price or any price at all, and how to fix it!

Philippa Corrick avatar
Written by Philippa Corrick
Updated over 4 months ago

Sometimes your diamond prices do not show correctly on RapNet or don't show at all!

These are the most common issues members have when pricing their diamonds, and the solution for fixing the problem!

  1. White diamonds (D-Z color) under 4ct must be uploaded with $/ct or discount, otherwise, they will be suppressed from the upload.

  2. N-Z colors: Rapaport price list only until 0.29ct. If the carat weight is 0.30ct and over, price these diamonds as $/ct pricing, not the discount.

  3. Fancy Colored diamonds: There is no Rapaport list for fancy colored diamonds. Price these diamonds as $/ct pricing, not the discount.

    Pricing diamonds not in the Rapaport price list image
  4. Your Pricing:

    • There are 4 columns for diamond pricing: RapNet Price, RapNet Discount Percent, Cash Price, and Cash Price Discount Percent. Open your diamond inventory upload file and check it only includes the Prices field names listed here.

    • You can offer 2 different prices for your diamonds: a RapNet Price and a Cash Price.

      • The RapNet price is the price for which you are prepared to sell the diamond after a discount, often a memo or credit price.

      • The Cash price is the price which you are prepared to sell for cash on delivery.

    • The RapNet Price and Cash Price columns are for the dollar per-carat price, after discount.

    • RapNet Discount Percent and Cash Price Discount Percent are for the Rapaport discount percentage price.

    • If both discount % and $/ct are filled in and uploaded, RapNet only considers the $/ct so carefully check the pricing in your diamond inventory upload file

    1. There’s no need to fill out the Rapaport price. RapNet calculates that when uploading the diamond.

    2. 10 carat+ diamonds: If you use the 5-carat price list to price your 10 carat+ diamonds, you will need to upload the diamond data with $/ct pricing, not the discount %.

More Diamond Pricing Tools

Visit the RapNet Diamond Pricing Tools page to learn more ways to make diamond pricing easier for you and your customers.

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