When a trade starts, the price for the diamond/jewelry item listed in Trade Center is the price listed on RapNet at the time the offer was made.
If you change the price on RapNet, it does not affect the trade.
You can always make a counteroffer/change the price of an item for a specific trade, by clicking See Negotation Terms and updating there.
These changes reflect in the Sale Conditions.
The date that you last changed the price in the trade appears together with the item price.
Rap% calculations are according to the current Rapaport price list, regardless of when the price was set or the offer made. If the Rapaport price list changes during your negotation, we keep your $/ct offer and change the Rapaport price accordingly. You can always update your offer.
More Diamond Pricing Tools
Visit the RapNet Diamond Pricing Tools page to explore various tools designed to simplify diamond pricing for you and your customers.