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What does the 'Compare to RapNet' button actually compare to?
What does the 'Compare to RapNet' button actually compare to?

Using the Compare to RapNet button on RapNet XL

Philippa Corrick avatar
Written by Philippa Corrick
Updated over a week ago

Inside your price worksheet, the Compare to RapNet button compares your diamond pricing to the default TradeScreen grid which is Rap Spec A1, A2 and A3.

Here's how to use this feature:

  1. Fill out your price worksheet

  2. Click Compare to RapNet and choose to compare your calculations according to $/ct or discount from the Rapaport price list.

  3. Agree to include these column headers in your worksheet.

  4. Compare your price to the the best and average price listed on RapNet. The example below shows compared prices in both $/ct and discount from the Rapaport price list.

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