Your tagging needs will change over time. Manage tags effectively by updating or removing tags you no longer need.
This article covers how to edit, create and delete tags. Click on a subject to jump directly to that section
Create a new tag
Go to People> My Contacts > Your Tags > Click on the pencil
Type in the new Tag name
Click Done
Edit tag name
Go to People> My Contacts > Your Tags > Click on the pencil Your Tags > Click on the pencil.
Look for the tag you want to edit and select the pencil next to the tag
Edit and click Done
Delete a tag:
Deleting a tag will permanently remove it from RapNet so it can no longer be used to search for contacts
Go to People> My Contacts > Your Tags > Click on the pencil
Look for the tag you want to edit and select the garbage bin
Click Done to confirm you want to delete the tag
Remove a tag from a contact
Choose the contact you want to de-tag and open up his contact page
Hover over the tag you want to remove and click on the X icon
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