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Your Instant Inventory Dashboard

Navigate your Instant Inventory Dashboard and update Instant Inventory Settings

Philippa Corrick avatar
Written by Philippa Corrick
Updated over a week ago

The dashboard is where you manage your diamond and jewelry Instant Inventory feeds.

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Navigate your Instant Inventory Dashboard

  1. View a summary of your rules, amount of diamonds, and suppliers.

  2. Actions:

    1. Customize Design: update your widget theme.

    2. Publish to My Website: Publish the feed on your website.

    3. Delete Instant Inventory feed.

  3. Preview: check how your widget displays on a web page and mobile.

  4. Settings: Update your company information, contact email address, website, or currency.

  5. Rules/Own stock: review your rules or upload your own stock:

    1. Each rule has a status that indicates if it is included in the instant inventory:

      1. Completed: Rule’s inventory included in the instant inventory. This means that the rule is active - diamond/jewelry criteria, suppliers, and markup are set up.

      2. Incomplete: Rule’s inventory is not included in the instant inventory, and needs to finish the setup of all three screens - diamond/jewelry criteria, suppliers, and markup.

  6. Add a new rule to this instant inventory feed.

  7. Edit, Duplicate or delete a rule.

  8. Check your widget performance and reports

Note: A diamond or jewelry Instant Inventory dashboard is only created once you have saved your settings.

Your Instant Inventory Settings

  1. Go to your Instant Inventory dashboard and choose the correct feed

  2. Click View and Edit

  3. Settings > Click the pencil to edit your settings

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